Saturday, January 4, 2025

CPTSD from narcissitic parental abuse lands me in miserable situations I've no idea how I got into

Hello my friends. In this new year, I'm looking at all things CPTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder), that I got from a lifetime of narcissistic parental abuse, neglect, abandonment, endangerment, scapegoating, enmeshment, invalidation, shaming and blaming, parentification and gaslighting by four narc parents. Today I'm looking at how CPTSD lands me in weird and miserable situations I have no idea how I got into. 

CPTSD for me, manifests as chronic shame and guilt and self-abasement, obsessive people pleasing and fawning and having zero boundaries. This was caused by decades of being forced to serve, humor, wait on, kowtow to my two histrionic narcissistic parents, their new partners and their new children. I never think about what I need only what others want and how I'm supposed to provide that or fix whatever they expect me to fix. 

I honed these behaviors to placate chronic rage, passive-aggressive demands, bizarre inappropriate expectations. But to add insult injury, it never worked and it just got worse. Everyone was still mad at me and even more demanding. The more I groveled the more they abused, shamed and gaslit me.  I didn't know then, the concept of unfillable black holes and that they were unpleasable. Or that it wasn't my job in the first place. But wish I had. 

It would have saved me some sanity if I could have just left them for good and never looked back. As it was I got kicked out of the house anyway. Better to jump than be pushed. But I was so brain damaged that I thought I deserved all this and more for being such a disappointment to them. I believed I had to stick around to help them and let them abuse me. I kept my hands in the fire because protecting myself was verboten. 

This was a very dysfunctional way to live and I was deformed because of it. But it was the only way to survive I thought. So I brought these dysfunctional coping skills with me into adulthood like a deformed leg. I am always anticipating others needs, smoothing ruffled feathers, prostituting myself to their demands. I read expectation where there is none and make their problems mine and mine alone. I catch their feelings, well the bad ones anyway, like a cold. I have to protective layer, no boundaries, no identity, no ability to detach. 

And boy howdy does that make me a target for takers, narcissists and exploiters. I find myself smack dab in the center of weird and scary situations that I had no hand in the making. I step in quicksand because I was taught to ignore warning signs. I did nothing, said nothing and yet I'm in the hot seat. If you could see some of them, you'd be scratching your head and saying WTH?? How did that happen? 

Well, it's both simple and complicated. The short answer is, like I said, predators can smell me a mile away. They know I'm easy to manipulate and guilt. They know they can dump any of their crap on me and I'll absorb, internalize, take responsibility for it and do my utmost to fix it. Which people with built in boundaries know is ridiculous. I could no more fix someone else's problems than I could swim to the moon. But that's what was expected of me. 

The complicated answer is harder to explain, especially to myself. And into my 7th decade now, it's so ingrained that I don't even realize it. I just know I'm miserable with guilt, bewilderment and shame. I'm hurting all over like I've been beaten. I dream that I've done terrible things. There's an impending doom over my hanging over my head and I can't think why. 

I look back and I can't see anything I've done wrong. Or anything that would warrant this pain. I look around and see evidence of good things I've done, shoveled the snow, make cookies with the grandkids, Most everyone seems to like me. I don't think I'm in denial but I must be, mustn't I? Why else this torment? 

 But I did have an Aha moment yesterday that may start to get me out of this forest of pain. I read something about how others' emotions stick to me. I pick up on them and because I have no barrier, I just assume they're mine. 

Anger is a big one. I'm completely vulnerable to others' rage attacks. I take it all personally, especially when they are clearly making it personal. Which, let me just segue here, is what most rage is, attacking and bullying. Even and especially the passive-aggressive kind. If they weren't blaming and targeting, they'd keep it to themselves or find a way to express it that didn't involve others. The lack of respect is palpable. 

I have a chronically angry, peeved, rageful husband. But more baffling is the fact that he doesn't display it in usual ways. He presents as nice and sweet guy which I think he actually is. But then it comes out of the blue. Intermittent explosive disorder is I believe the term. Then this nice guy turns into a vicious, vindicative, bullying monster unrecognizable from his other self. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 

When he is angry or peeved, everything he said before is changed. Every promise broken. He blames everyone, mostly me. He goes to confession and admits his acts then completely contradicts himself, making excuses, justifying, defending and expecting others to just know how they've offended him. He becomes a ruthless bullying tyrant. He makes things up, twists things and attacks me. And then when he's tired of being angry, he reverts to Dr. Jekyll and is can't figure out why we're upset, confused or hurt. 

It's utterly baffling. And I have no idea how I got into it or how to get out of it. All I know is I'm sick to my stomach, and feeling guilt but I have no fucking idea what I did wrong. And it feels soooo exactly like I did when I was young.  

I think it has something to do with taking on his emotions as my own. I'm not sure. I'll have to think about  this. 

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