Drink water instead of everything else. Drop the pop (okay, soda, southerners, lol), fruit juice, sweet tea, booze and coffee (appetite stimulants), milk, soy milk, etc. The one thing that might be just as good as water is green tea.
Trade red meat for chicken breast, fish, nuts and seeds (seeds being the best as they have protein plus fiber).
Lose the white foods--rice, pasta, potatoes, bread--and eat whole grain starches with fiber. Light oat bread with 35 calories a slice or oatmeal with flax and chia are ideal!
Take a whole food vitamin like Alive to get fruits and veggie quota, A, B, C and D, etc.
Take spirulina or blue green algae. I don't know what makes this superfood so super but I do know that it regulates everything from mood to bowels (ick, I know, but regularity of poops is critical to weight loss).
Drop all dairy except Greek yogurt.
Use pea or plant protein powder instead of whey or soy.
Nix corn and soy and add flaxseed.
Cut refined sugar to nil. Try blue agave, Sugar 2.0 and unsweetened fruit.
Drop processed food for fresh, restaurant for homemade and trade carbs in for protein and fiber.
Did I say 10 tips? Well, I lied. Here's an 11th free:
Skip skipping breakfast and make a power shake every day. Recipe to follow later.
Love you all! Be well!